Search for Patriots of

Tennessee SAR Members

This web page form allows searching the database
by Patriot First and Last Name, and/or SAR National
Number and/or State Number of the TNSSAR Member.
Enter desired search criteria in the the forms
then click the Submit button for that form.
Note: This data is for reference only.
Database Updated: February 28, 2017

Enter one or more of the available criteria below then click on Submit.

Enter Patriot
Given Name (First Name):

and/or Patriot
Surname (Last Name):

and/or Descendant
SAR National Number:

and/or Descendant
TNSSAR State Number:


If you are a member of TNSSAR, and your Patriot Ancestors show as "Unknown", please
provide the Partriot Ancestor names to the TN SAR Membership Secretary or the TN SAR WebMaster.